When a skill has been to enter the stage of unconscious competence since that time, when the intervention is not done consciously, this skill will work with the principle of automatic pilot. The same applies also to the skill of thinking, a note bene expertise is mind itself. Automatic pilot work to ease our lives. Will be executed by the automatic pilot system is a program / practice the most powerful.
One of the basic human needs of a very prominent is the need for consistency. When your mind has decided to accept something as "truth" then it will be consistent with the "truth" is. "The Truth" is not necessarily in line with the "truth" that we accept the truth. "Truth" according to the mind in line with the thinking mind itself is supported with a variety of experience that we ever experienced.
"The Truth" is known by the term belief. So, once thought to adopt a belief then this belief that control the mind. Without the intervention of the conscious life is controlled entirely by our belief that many have been adopted and we believe the truth (Lipton, 2006).
When we trust / belief of the truth then we will no longer question the validity of data or base pijak think that is used as a basis for acceptance of a belief. Our belief is always true according to us. Correct according to our not necessarily true according to other people.
Our efforts with all the resources we will maintain the belief that because we decided that "something" that is the right thing. The period of the doubts we have decided our "truth"?
How to get out of prison, my mind is a trap with a door through awareness. Only through the door of awareness we can realize that we are not our thoughts, our feelings are not we, we is not our habit, and is even more important is that we are not our belief. We can create awareness to do the dissociation or separation of the obvious.
With awareness we can do or think about metakognisi mind. With the mind to think and then we finally know "her" mind. We will know the pattern or habit of mind to do. With awareness we can understand that thought, even though the tools are very exceptional, but only a small part of the awareness itself.
How to observe with the mind is to be silent. We need to familiarize themselves "walk" in the silence. Only with the still in the quiet we thought we able to observe clearly.
Mind like a glass of water is turbid due to dirt or particles containing a small (read: the thought). In muddy conditions we will not be able to see beyond the glass of water. We will not be able to see and observe the various components that make the water (read: mind) become clouded.
Then, how to be able to see the small particles that pollute the water? How do I to be able to see beyond the clouded glass? Once again, the way is easy. Put the glass containing the water turbid and leave for some time. Do not shake or poke stirred. Leave it alone.
Lapse of some time that the dirt-dirt will begin to settle itself, without the need we strived. After all sediment in the water glass to be very clear. Dirt that will go down to the basic glass and be very easily observed. We will also be able to see beyond glass.
Observation of the mind will lead us in the introduction and in depth understanding of our policy, which is called the key door opener our freedom.
Bill Gould, my chum, always leave a message, "Adi, if you want to keep growing, you have to challenge everything. Even your own thinking and beliefs. "