They are usually reactive to see the problem as a threat. Somehow a threat to his career, business, family, and so forth. In this group you find a solution to the problem using the traditional and logical approach. Characteristics-characteristics:
* Once the problem you're likely to come soon find any way to address them.
* The problem seen as a growth factor barricade themselves.
* You will soon be a strategy to tackle
* Due to a problem seen as a threat, he will tend to dominate the mind and cause fear and stress.
When you work in the company, perhaps you were asked to lead a project for which you are responsible for achieving a certain target. Here you are faced with situations that require analysis, justification, and logical reasoning, in the challenges or problems that arise. You will be in condition to meet the deadline depressed. Able to guess, you are likely to use reactive approach in solving problems.
This approach is usually practiced by those who already realize that the problem is not a threat but the consequences that would arise from a condition that we create. Thus we have the power to change the conditions of the self. You want to accept the problem and at the same time make-solusinya.Ciri characteristics:
When problems come, you approach it and use:
* The problem is the opposite of the solution. When a problem arises, you believe that time is also a solution that already exists.
You focus on the solution of problems which arise, not the cause of the problem. Thus, you take over control from within your own, rather than be controlled by outside circumstances.
* The problem is the opportunity for self development. You see it as an opportunity to create a positive reality in your life.
Would like to receive the problem does not mean silence. You do not "fire beard" but to recognize the problem calmly and make themselves responsive to you all you need to invite solutions.
The most simple example is when you love a pair (eg, wife, husband, or boyfriend) are cranky because of trivial issues. With the reactive approach, you will only aggravate the situation with a wonder why he must be cranky, analyze the cause and feel this will threaten the harmonious relationship with you. Solutions that are not available but it is worries and concerns.
Receptive to the approach, you receive a pair and realize that you are angry. You focus your energy to create a love that is in essence a opponent's anger. You are not involved protracted atmosphere - trying to find answers from the analysis of why he was so angry - but it took over control from within themselves, keep quiet thinking, and showed positive attitude in your behavior. You will feel that it is in this situation would make you grow. You create a positive quality of your surface and have become a law of nature behave like this with your partner will be changed from angry to be in love.
Receptive to this approach, you can practice in the life of a business, household, and social. Basically you build your confidence that the real problem is not so that you do not feel difficult. Latih yourself for not reactive when a problem arises. Focus on your opponent's problem, the solution, to find the control and not dissolved in it.