Why do we make things worse for ourselves? Because the bad things that bring pleasure. Cause excessive eating enjoyment. Sleeping, shopping, watching TV is also such excess. Bliss is something that we find. So we find it of all things, including bad for us though.
Let's ask why once again: "Why do we do?"
I find the reason. You also likely know already. In ourselves there is ego. The ego that becomes the source. Ego is encouraging that we continue to get enjoyment.
In ourselves there is any sense. Ego and the sense such pair. Both have the same goal. Equally encouraging us to get that pleasure. The difference, just like the ego pleasure shortly. Are in the sense like the long-term enjoyment.
Ego and the sense to give a result when dituruti. Keep the ego makes us get the right comfort and long-term suffering. Keep the sense make us get a long-term pleasure and pain arise. Nurani lead so that we act fairly and in accordance with needs. Ego lead us to act in order to maximize the enjoyment and excessive shortly.
For example eating. Eating keep the sense is eating enough. Not excessive, and healthy. So belly will be filled one third of food, drink, a third, a third air. Keep the ego to make meals we eat and drink until full. Without leaving room for air. As a result, the process of food metabolism is not optimal. Many foods that terbuang or stored as body fat. But excess body weight will occur.
And than, keep the food sense right cause suffering. We still want to eat, food is there. So when it stopped eating, we also suffer. Iya, kan?
That case related to the physical. What about the examples that are associated with emotions? The same. Emotions that keep the ego will and pleasure right solution, is also suffering and long-term problems. For example, your child is aged four years wrong. Main bath has been the ground for example. You memarahinya. Then the child will stop playing ground, and clean themselves and clothes. You are satisfied and the problem is finished.
No! Your child to stop play so that land. This is the right solution. You believe that your child's mistakes continue to be this way. You repeated repeatedly. Every day. Each time your child makes a mistake. Angry because you are using, then you are actually building a long-term problems. Your children obey you, just because he was still small and have no strength. But his heart hurt. But increasingly it is big and strong, long-term problems will start arising. What's that? Children who could be rebel or coward.
Anger is the emotion obey ego. The process begins from the exacerbation of the incident because there is not in accordance with your wishes or standards. Chapfallen emotion that is still internal. But so annoyed this ditambahi ego, then muncullah angry. Angry emotions are external. Emotions that come out of yourself. Expressed with words or deeds.
Chapfallen the same fact should not be angry. He can be patient. Patient who is annoyed and ditambahi world. World can make us stand on the suffering of sorts. Create suffering becomes momentarily peeved. But in the case of a child before, you can be patient even find creative ways to make your child stop play ground, without a hurt the children. Even make your child still rejoice
Sad is also emotional. When something or someone we care about is missing, then timbullah grief. This grief can be prolonged or quickly passed. What is so because? Prolonged sad because of the ego self. Sad that the world quickly passed the control.
Suppose you left your beloved is dearer. Ego will encourage you to think: "He should not do that. I just mencintainya. Why is he leaving me? I have been so good on it. I do not get treated like this. "Well, all thoughts of sadness that makes you the climb. When you are here, the blue will change to hate even revenge. Hate with love for behind. Revenge is the opposite of peace. With hate and revenge, you can melakuan matters worse was that the people you love.
What happens when you turuti world? Then world will whisper: "I mencintainya. He left me, it means that the best for himself. I know what is best for me, I own. I will accept this. I learned a lot. I will do the best for him "Nah, it is sad that encourages you to accept the incident. Even forgive. Both lovers forgive you, or forgive yourself. There is no hate. There is no revenge. You can continue living in peace. Grief you go extremely fast. Not possible, you will be grateful to you for all lovers good now even though he has left you. Wow, that's terrible ... world.
So, when a negative event, you automatically feel the negative emotions. Negative emotions but this is still internal. Will be the external negative emotions when you listen to and obey your ego. Therefore, when the nascent negative emotions, listen to and follow the word world. Then you will be always on tertuntun good. When you are well, any negative event will not be able to make your beremosi negative, said a negative word, especially a negative act. So your time is strong. Strong sterling ...